An-nisa Women’s Empowerment Group

The purposes of the An-nisa Women’s Empowerment Group is to;

Empower women from all backgrounds with knowledge, skills and confidence to better themselves & their families, tackle isolation and integrate.

Provide a safe and supportive space for all women.

Encourage women to attend skill building workshops and further education.

Offer a forum to share information and expand awareness of multiculturalism.

Provide a support network for isolated and vulnerable women and bridge communities.

To relieve poverty among women by the provision of advice and information about health, welfare, housing and other social benefits.

*Children are welcome at the Coffee mornings


Tuesday: 9:15am -11:30am (during term time)
Venue: Response Community Projects, London SW5 9JF
Fee: £1

Please Note: You do not need to book a place, just come along on the day.